Case Study:
vaccine confidence

With Save the Children

Boosting vaccination rates through social content in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Fathm collaborated with Save the Children and Sandpiper Health on a behavioural science-led social media campaign to combat low vaccination rates in low- and middle-income countries.

By understanding the barriers to being vaccinated, such as concerns about safety and side effects, ‘This is our Shot’ used behavioural science to help improve attitudes and increase vaccine uptake.

Fathm Studio produced contextual video and static ads for the campaign, which ran across several of Meta’s platforms, including Facebook and Instagram.

Facts, simple messages and clear calls to action, targeted to each country, were delivered by effective ‘messengers’ such as influencers and medical professionals. All ads included links to national vaccine registration sites.

Over an eight-week period, ‘This is our Shot’ reached more than 150 million people in countries with some of the lowest vaccination rates in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

The campaign drove an estimated 6.4 million vaccine registrations, according to Meta’s Brand Lift Studies.


Viral Facts Africa: Debunking health misinformation with shareable social content across Africa.